Balance Poem


If you read my post in June you can see I’ve updated my Balance Poem. I’ve also printed it on 17 x 22 inch San Gabriel Fiber Semi-Gloss Paper (Red River Paper). It will be framed and exhibited at Selah Tea at 177 Main Street, Waterville, Maine from mid September until mid November. Give me some feedback here about what you think about this new way to present my work. Thanks!



White feather, dropped or shed.
Trace of an invisible presence,
now gone,
between the water’s surface
and the sky above.

White bird feather floating on lake with large water drop resting inside portion floating on the water. Stem is caught on pickerel weed holding it up at an angle above the water.
White Feather Floating in the Belgrade marsh in Maine

Seen up close.
It floats so sweetly
hanging by barbed threads
grasping a
pickerel weed.

From afar. It drifts
in a galaxy of blue rippled water
inside a pickerel grove
habitat for waterfowl and their prey.
From whence it came,
Loon, swan, egret.
Does it matter?

Closer still.
A moon-like drop of water
magnifies silver lines curving
into the meniscus at the water drop’s edge.

This keepsake memory of
more than “sight seeing”
to quietly absorb this non-human environment,
water not asphalt,
loons not English sparrows,
air without the fumes of car exhaust
but living smells of lake ecology,
This is enchantment.

email me at for

Framed Print: $350 (pickup in Waterville, Maine)

Paper Print with no mat: $200 for 11×14 image on 13x 19 paper (mailed in tube)